2024 UKBGF Clubs Championship

This year’s annual UKBGF Clubs Championship will be held in York on the weekend of 20-21 of July in conjunction with NEBA

The main championship will be held on the Sunday (July 21) but on the Saturday there will be an individual event.

This page will be updated with teams and individuals as they are registered.

The weekend’s action will be held at Derwent College, University of York, University Road, Heslington, York YO10 5DD.  This is the same venue as the Clubs Championship in 2019.

Players to be at the venue for 10.15 for the start of play on both days.

Up to 32 teams will be able to take part in the championship.  It will cost £150 per team – made up of £100 entry fee and £50 registration (with a £10 surcharge for non-UKBGF members).  Each team will comprise five players.

Priority will be given to the first team from a club that registers for the event, then second and then third teams should clubs wish to enter more than one team.

For those wishing to register a team/teams and take part in the individual event, please email . Keith at:  keithgill1@live.co.uk  Please provide:

  • Team names (eg NEBA 1, Bristol 2 etc) and the names of the people for each team.
  • Your name for the individual event and which category you wish to take part in (intermediate/advanced).

Payments should be made to:

North East Backgammon Association

Account number : 53170760

Sort code : 30-84-82

For team payments, please put the name of the team as the reference.

For payments for the individual event, please put “Clubs” as the reference.

Saturday – individual event:

As a warm-up there will be an individual event with a main, consolation and last chance sections on the Saturday.  Subject to confirmation, it is planned that the format will be straight knockout, with the main as 9-point matches, the consolation 7-point matches and the last chance 5-point matches.

There will be two separate flights: Intermediate and advanced, limited to 48 in each section.

The individual event costs £65 to enter made up of an entry fee £40 – all to be returned as prize money – with a registration fee of £25.

Sunday – Club Championship main event:

The group stage of the club championship will be held on the Sunday morning, with the top teams going into a main knockout event and the others going into a consolation/shield event.  Subject to confirmation, it is planned that the event will consist of 5-point matches.

Accommodation and food:

For those wishing to take part in both events, or stay overnight on the Saturday night, accommodation is available at the college.

B&B rates are either £45.50+VAT (£54.60) with a packed breakfast or £51.50+VAT (£61.80) with either cafeteria breakfast or hot/cold breakfast sandwiches on the Sunday morning.

The booking links and code are below.

Friday and Saturday Night – Code UKBGFYORK24


Sunday night – Code: UKBGFSUNDAY


Shops are both on the campus and nearby for anyone wishing to buy food on Saturday.

The UKBGF is providing a free meal for the Sunday lunchtime.


There are direct trains to York from London, the South West, Manchester/Liverpool, the North East and Scotland.  The college campus is approximately 15 minutes by taxi from the train station.

There is free parking at the college all weekend.

XX means that both the registration and entry fees have been paid – a single X indicates the entry fee has been paid.

The teams so far registered for the event are:

NEBA A (xx)
Martin Barkwill (c)
Paul Moulton
John Horton
Lawrence Jones
Kevin Stebbing
NEBA B (xx)
Don Irving (c)
Rikki Blythe
Huu Chi Tran
Miranda Moulton
Andy Debenham
ThameGammon (xx)
Danny De Meester (captain)
Ovidiu Mihail Popa
Ben Cawdron
Robin Oliver
Andy Gilbert
Stirling and Falkirk (xx)
Alastair Woods (c)
James Newman
Ian Hesketh
June Williamson
Neil Webb
Birmingham Bulls (xx)
Geoff Hall (c)
Steve Peers
Dave Pritchard
Michele de Havilland
Alex Ward
Birmingham Bears (xx)
Matthew Fisher (c)
Pete Hodson
Steve Moxley
Mike Eyre
Martin Tatlow
Cambridge Ruthless (xx)
Andrew Baxter (Captain)
Andreea Festeu
Mona Alexander
Mark Williams
Ian Bissett
Cambridge Ruthful (xx)
Tim Hall (Captain)
Reza Assadi
Maria Fergusson
Charles Pell
Ruth Flack
East Kent 1 (xx)
Peter Finnimore
Martin Taylor
Richard Beagley
Sean Thomas
David Tingey
East Kent 2 (xx)
Matthew Guy
Luis Dawbar
Gary Lloyd
Jonathan Lamb
Jay Hayter
NEBA CWest Yorkshire
Rachel Rhodes
CJ Uttley
Ian Davidson
Connor Dickinson
Liverpool (xx)
Simon Jones
Adrian Jones
Vinny Nolan
Roland Archer
Martin Wilks
Brighton 1 (xx)
Rich McQuillan (captain)
Mike Grabsky
Paul Statter
Dan Rovira
Nils Figenschou
Brighton 2 (xx)
Tim Parfitt (Captain)
Mick McGowan
Steve Atkinson
Crispin Duke
Chris Jones
St Albans (xx)
Liviu Ionescu (c) 
Becca Bell 
Stephen Carder 
Cat Bucur 
Eugene Pritchard
St Albans B (xx)
Tim Spring (c)
Willum Scott
Serban Murgu
Hannah Parente
Chris G Rogers
Harrogate A (xx)
Alex Hannam (c)
Chuck Conrad
Chris McCooke
Stuart Whittingham 
Tony Tilston 
Harrogate B (xx)
Chloe Oldfield (c)
Steve Allott 
Justin Kalay
Colin Welland
Andrea Tilston
St Anne’s (xx)
Ian Squire
Steve Holme
Jason Tribe
Greg Ashworth
Tim Firth
Bristol (xx)
Tim Line (c)
Hazel Harper
Stephen Little
Phil Doubtfire
Gary Owston
Nottingham Robin Hoods (xx)
Nick Dawson
Jeff Bale
Dermot Jenkins
Lee Thorn
Michael Jenkins
Nottingham Little Johns (xx)
Paul Cookson
Jack Urwin
Robin Dale
Stuart Maddison
Jason Mardell
Winchester (xx)
Stuart Rogers (Captain)
Andrew Darby
Anna Parker
Bob Young
Colm Morgan
Worcester Royals (xx)
Sean Jones
Dave Sanders
Ian Gwynne
Reece Hodges
Jamie MacPherson
Manchester (xx)
Peter Snape (capt)
Ian Gray
Samya Abdullah
Ali Shafeeq
Gregge Madan
No Squ-Ealing (xx)
Sion Edwards
Peter Bennet
Zigi Filbert
Yas Turan
Dan Feeny
Edinburgh (xx)
Gergely Biro
Ian Henderson
Karen Slawek
Anandan Tanabalan
Jacqueline Rixon

The latest list for the Advanced individual event is:

Graeme Turner (xx)Paul Moulton (xx)Miranda Moulton (xx)Martin Barkwill (xx)Neil Webb (xx)Tim Line (xx)
James Newman (xx)Ian Hesketh (xx)Ovidiu Mihail PopaMatthew Fisher (xx)Ian Davidson (xx)Ben Andrews (xx)
Gary Lloyd (xx)Martin Taylor (xx)Daniel de Meester (xx)Peter Finnimore (xx)Kevin Stebbing (xx)Tim Parfitt (xx)
Daniel Rovira (xx)Steven Atkinson (xx)Mike Grabsky (xx)Nils Figenschou (xx) Simon Jones (xx) Connor Dickinson (xx)
 Sean Thomas (xx) Luis Dawber (xx) Crispin Duke (xx) Stuart Rogers (xx) Andy Darby (xx) Anna Parker (xx)
 Robert Young (xx) Paul Statter (xx) Adrian Jones (xx) Stephen Carder (xx) Sean Jones (xx) Jamie McPherson (xx)
 Reece Hodges (xx) Dave Sanders (xx) Ian Gwynne (xx) Peter Bennett (xx) Daniel Feeney (xx) Liviu Ionescu (xx)
 Sebastian Byrne (xx) Serban Murgu (xx) Cat Bucur (xx)   

And the latest list for the Intermediates individual event is:

Tim Spring (xx) Rikki Blythe (xx)June WilliamsonAlex Ward (xx)Chas Pickard (xx)Andrew Baxter (xx)
Mark Williams (xx)Maria Ferguson (xx)Graham Sparshott (xx)Matthew Guy (xx)Richard Kuby (xx)Warren Hendon (xx)
Martin WilksTim Hall (xx)Bianca Ciorirlan (xx)Andy Debenham (xx)Andy Gilbert (xx)
Ian Bissett (xx)
Wendy Hunter (xx)Peter HodsonMichele De Haviland David Tingey (xx)Ruth Flack (xx) Michael Bishop
 Martin Tatllow (xx) Roland Archer (xx) Ian Squire (xx)Huu Chi Tran (xx) Jonathan Lamb Hannah Parente (xx)
Hazel Harper Jay Hayter (xx)Chris G Rogers (xx) Sion Edwards (xx) Greg Ashworth (xx) Yas Turan (xx)
 Zigi Filbert (xx)Gergely Biro (xx) Tim Firth (xx) Ian Henderson (xx) Carl Stephens (xx) Phil Doubtfire (xx)
 Justin Kalay Charles Pell (xx) Willum Scott (xx) Eugene Pritchard (xx)