NEBA Constitution

Constitution of the North East Backgammon Association (the “Constitution”)

  1. The club shall be called the “North East Backgammon Association” (and may also be referred to as the “NEBA” or the “Club”) and shall be affiliated to the United Kingdom Backgammon Federation (the “UKBGF”). The Objects of the Club are to promote the playing of backgammon in the North East of England and to provide facilities within the North East of England where members (each such member a “Member”) may meet and play backgammon.
  2. The Club shall form a committee (the “Committee”) to administer all aspects of the running of the Club. The Committee shall appoint persons to hold the positions specified further below to carry out the administrative tasks of the Club.
  3. Club tournaments shall follow the latest rules adopted by the UKBGF.
  4. Membership shall be open to all applicants, subject to the discretion of the Committee, provided that the appropriate subscription is tendered on demand and that entry to the Club is not temporarily restricted. If entry is restricted, then applications for membership shall be placed on a waiting list and processed in order of receipt of application.
  5. The supreme authority of the Club is vested in a general meeting of the membership (a “General Meeting”) which alone shall have the power to change the Constitution. A quorum for a General Meeting shall be the lesser of 6 members or one third of the Club membership. To carry any proposal at a General Meeting a simple majority of those present and voting is required except that to carry a proposal affecting the Constitution a majority of at least two to one of those members present and voting is required. The Secretary shall notify all members when a General Meeting is to be held. The Secretary shall give 14 days’ advance notice of the date, time, venue and agenda.
  6. An annual general meeting of the Club (an “Annual General Meeting” or “AGM”) shall be held once between February and April in each year and shall appoint a Committee comprising the following officers of the Club. For the avoidance of doubt, the same person may hold more than one such position:

    i) The “Chair”, who shall chair General Meetings and Annual General Meetings;

    ii) The “Secretary”, who shall maintain and preserve the records of the Club, especially the minutes, and shall be responsible for the day-to-day running of the Club;

    iii) The “Treasurer”, who shall be responsible for the management of the Club’s finances;

    iv) The “Social Media Secretary”;

    v) The “Publicity Officer”; and

    vi) Any further Committee Members may be elected at the AGM, either without portfolio or to fulfil specific roles.

  7. An Honorary Auditor shall also be appointed who shall not be an officer of the Club. The Committee shall retire annually and shall be eligible for re-election at the AGM. Any Member may propose an item for inclusion on the agenda of the AGM provided that it reaches the Secretary in writing at least 21 days prior to the AGM.

    7. A special general meeting (a “Special General Meeting”) shall be called by the Secretary within 4 weeks of receiving a written proposal from at least six Members or one third of the membership if this is less. No business shall be discharged other than that for which the meeting was called. If such proposals are received 4 weeks or less before the AGM then, at the discretion of the Committee, they may be included in the AGM.

  8. The Committee shall have the power to suspend from the Club until the next General Meeting any Member deemed to be acting against the interests of the Club. The General Meeting may consider a motion to expel a Member acting in this way. The Member will be entitled to be present at the General Meeting and state their case as to why they should not be expelled. The motion may then proceed to a vote of Members present and if a simple majority of votes approves the expulsion, it shall take immediate effect.
  9. Funds shall be expended wholly and exclusively for the furtherance of the objects of the club. The Treasurer shall prepare a balance sheet and statement of income and expenditure, at 31st January each year and shall present these duly audited to the AGM. The funds shall be held in a Bank or Building Society account in the name of the Club and withdrawals shall be made against any of the signatures of the President, Secretary or Treasurer.
  10. Any funds remaining upon dissolution of the Club after satisfying any outstanding debts and liabilities shall be distributed proportionately to the Members of the Club who have paid a subscription covering the last year of the existence of the Club.



