Minutes of AGM 2019

Present: Martin Barkwill, Don Irving, Graeme Turner, John Horton, Alan Hind, Jonathan Backhouse, John Oxley, Lawrence Jones, Julian Jones, Mike Snowdon & Tassio Serra.

Minutes of 2018 were read by MB who added that since this meeting we had lost two of our members, Paul Gilbertson & Antony Crerar & we had fielded two teams in the UK Clubs Championship with the 1st team suffering the indignity of being eliminated by the club’s 2nd team. We have recommenced twice monthly meetings, the second run by Keith.

Election of Officers

Chairman: Martin Barkwill was proposed by Mike Snowdon & seconded by Don
Secretary: Gary Bratton proposed by MB & 2nd by John Oxley
Treasurer: Pol by Don & Graeme
Publicity: Mike informed MB prior to AGM he wished to stand down. Don proposed by MB & 2nd by Mike
Auditor: Graeme by MB & Alan Hind

All unopposed & elected unanimously.

Matters arising

NEBA is hosting the next Clubs Championship in York this August with Keith acting as TD. MB asked those present if they would be available for selection. We have been challenged to a friendly match against Glasgow probably in the summer before the Clubs Championship. Several of those present expressed an interest in this & hoped to be involved.

Alan Hind had submitted a request in writing prior to the meeting for the club to adopt a code of etiquette & had downloaded Phil Simborg’s guide from the internet. He felt the club should promote good practice & make it clear what is or isn’t acceptable. It was also mentioned that a video exists of Jon Barnes explaining the correct method of rolling the dice. The meeting was in agreement with this & MB said he would seek Phil’s Simborg’s & Jon Barnes’s permission to place their contributions on the club website.

Jonathan Backhouse, a visitor from Stockton mentioned that a new club had formed in Stockton on Tees & if NEBA club members were to visit this club they would be very welcome. Another new club has formed in Saltburn. MB said we should definitely support new & fledgling clubs in the region & would make a point of visiting in the near future. A few others said they would also try to do so. Keith, who was not at the meeting, has already visited both clubs & found them keen although some way short of our playing standard. Jonathan asked a question about the appropriateness of playing for money. MB said we only play for nominal stakes @ NEBA however it depends on the venue host as to whether they feel comfortable with this.

Mike Snowdon mentioned that he & Jamie had recently played at the Victory pub in Gosforth & experienced a high level of interest from other customers. They typically meet on Sunday afternoon & would try to get some of them along to the club.

Graeme advocated the purchase of more clocks & it was agreed that some expenditure is justified.

Post AGM: Phil & Jon have both agreed to their etiquette guide & video may be used on the club website. We have been challenged to a friendly match by the Lake District club. MB in discussion with Paul Galley on this.



